Horizontal Laminar Flow Workstation (CAP201)

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The CAP201 cabinets offer new accomplishments in the use of modern technologies in materials, manufacturing processes, and design. Vinclad steel or painted structural materials offer the ultimate in appearance and in resisting abuse. They are highly resistant to abrasion, corrosion, stains, and chemicals as well as scratches and scuffs.

Contact us today to learn how Clean Air Products can be your industrial cleanroom product supplier. For pricing information on special orders, request a quote online, and our team will be in touch with you. Clean Air Products is your source for top-quality cleanroom solutions built to last.
Of high quality and excellent in appearance, the cabinets have a ruggedness achieved through the use of a new wrap-around structural design. Close attention has been made to details. The cabinet volume has been designed to offer the least envelope for each work area, thus minimizing weight and space. Easy, quick maintenance is accomplished through the use of a removable grill with front filter removal. The cabinet configuration has been designed for “clean” edge air-shear of the absolute filter, thus assuring clean laminar airflow through the work area by eliminating turbulence and back currents.

Contact us to learn how Clean Air Products can supply industry-leading cleanroom resources for your space. For pricing estimates on your order, request a quote online. Whatever your industrial cleanroom application requires, Clean Air Products has you covered.

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