Laminar Flow Workstations

Clean benches and laminar flow hoods utilize state-of-the-art technology to ensure a clean, particle-free work environment for non-hazardous materials. The HEPA-filtered air that is generated by clean room benches ensures that the work surface is 99% free of particles at 0.3 microns. These workstations provide a controlled environment for a wide range of industries and applications requiring high levels of cleanliness.

Industry-Leading Clean Benches from Clean Air Products

Clean Air Products' laminar flow benches and laminar flow hoods provide high-purity micro-environments inside or outside a cleanroom. We offer a range of both horizontal and vertical laminar flow benches, in standard and custom styles to meet your cleanroom needs. Whatever your application requires, our team of experts can help you create custom laminar-flow clean benches to meet ISO or other manufacturing standards for particulate control.

For more information on Clean Air Products' clean benches, contact our office in Minneapolis, MN, or download the white paper "How to specify a clean bench." You can also purchase replacement parts directly from Clean Air Products.


Vertical vs Horizontal Laminar Flow Hoods

The difference between horizontal and vertical flow hoods can be seen in the design of each system. Horizontal airflow is generally best when the workpiece has a large horizontal surface and/or a narrow cross-section perpendicular to the airflow. Horizontal airflow is also well suited for applications in which an individual must work directly over the workpiece. In a horizontal flow clean bench, there is constant clean airflow between the work object and the worker's hands or instruments. When using a clean bench with a standard 90 LFPM (Linear Feet per Minute) airflow velocity and a 30 in. work area, it takes less than two seconds for a complete air exchange to occur. A typical horizontal laminar flow workstation has a tabletop and a three-sided hood. The HEPA filter is located on the vertical rear side of the work surface and is susceptible to damage. A secondary grill is sometimes needed for filter protection.

Vertical flow is used for a number of reasons, but the size and type of object are the primary considerations. Large objects can block the airflow in a horizontal laminar flow workstation, creating large areas of turbulence on the downstream side of the object. These turbulent areas often become contaminated as ambient air is drawn in. With vertical flow, air enters the work zone from the top and flows downward, surrounding the object within the work area. Air flows on the front, sides, and rear, bathing the object on all sides with clean, filtered air.

Laminar Flow Bench HEPA Filter 

A common component in any clean bench is the HEPA filter. A HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is often used to filter the airstreams of a clean bench. To qualify as HEPA by U.S. government standards, an air filter must remove 99.97% of 0.3 micrometer particles. The HEPA filter removes particulates, generally called aerosols, such as micro-organisms, from the air. Additionally, the HEPA filter does not remove vapors or gases. Other HEPA filter features include:
  • HEPA filters are manufactured from borosilicate glass microfibers
  • Flat filter sheets are pleated to increase the overall surface area
  • Pleats are separated by aluminum baffles, which direct the airflow through the filter

Standard Iso 4 & 5 Cleanroom Benches 

Our standard cleanroom benches are an easy and effective way to create a freestanding, ultra-clean mini-environment. Class 100 (ISO Class 5) and Class 10 (ISO Class 4) standard cleanroom benches are available to meet your needs. HEPA filtration and powerful horizontal or vertical undirectional air flow "washes" away particulates and prevents contaminants from entering the clean work zone. A ULPA (Ultra-Low Particulate Air) filter can be used when a Class 10 or ISO 4 rating is required. A ULPA filter removes at least 99.999% of any airborne particles 120 nanometers (0.12 microns) or larger.

Features of Standard Cleanroom Benches

  • 16-gauge or 18-gauge steel shell (varies by model)
  • White powder coat or white vinyl coating (varies by model)
  • HEPA filter with epoxy-painted steel protective grill
  • Creates a Class 100 (ISO Class 5) or Class 10 (ISO Class 4) cleanroom mini environment
  • Solid state variable speed motor controller
  • Fiberglass prefilter(s)
See individual product listings for additional information and specifications.

Size Options for Standard Cleanroom Benches

We provide our standard cleanroom benches in an array of sizes to fit your workspace. Simply specify the dimensions you need—outside width, outside height, work area width, and work area height. Configurable dimensions and available sizes vary by model.
  • Outside width: from 38.5" to 122.5" (978 to 3,122 mm)
  • Outside height: from 44.5625" to 80.5" (1,132 to 2,043 mm)
  • Outside depth: from 34" to 58" (864 to 1,473 mm)
  • Inside width: from 34" to 118" (864 to 2,997 mm)
  • Inside depth: from 21.5" to 54" (546 to 1,372 mm)
  • Work area width: from 34.25" to 118.375" (870 mm to 3,007 mm)
  • Work area height: from 22.25" to 46.25" (565 to 1,175 mm)

Custom Cleanroom Benches  clean room benches

Clean Air Products’ custom clean room benches are designed for more specialized applications. These compact cleanroom solutions are designed to fit on shelves, to sit on counters or tabletops, or as freestanding units.
Numerous laminar flow hood options are available, including horizontal laminar flow clean benches, vertical laminar flow wash through base clean benches, vertical laminar flow exhausting clean benches, and recirculating clean benches, and more. 

Horizontal Flow Laminar Clean Benches

These custom clean benches are designed to be set on a tabletop. Horizontal flow benches are available in vinyl-clad steel, stainless, or painted steel with myriad options such as ultraviolet light, extra duplex outlets, pressure gages, removable grills, and safety glass hoods. Horizontal benches can be installed on existing tabletops or ordered with stands or stand-alone bench. Style options include Horizontal Laminar Flow CAP301, CAP303, and CAP201. Some of the unique features of our horizontal flow laminar clean benches include:
  • Exclusive housing
  • Multiple clean hoods
  • Internal motorized filter
  • Power cord
  • And more

Vertical Flow Laminar Clean Benches

Our vertical flow laminar clean benches are specifically designed to create a freestanding ultra-clean mini-environment. Style options for vertical flow clean benches include CAP412, WO-CAP412, WT-CAP412, EU-CAP412, and ER-CAP412. These vertical flow styles feature many different configurations, including non-recirculating airflow, partial recirculating airflow, or recirculating airflow with partial exhaust (odors can be controlled through charcoal filters or 100 percent exhaust). Exhausting units can be made of stainless steel or polypropylene. Specialty vertical flow cabinets are made of polypropylene for trace metal analysis or for applications in which concentrated acids are used. Some of the features of our vertical flow laminar clean benches include:
  • Welded steel cabinet with powder-coated finish
  • White vinyl-coated steel back panel
  • Clear polycarbonate end shields
  • PSC motors with ball bearings
  • And more

Laminate Flow Hood Applications

For facilities that process clean-critical products in quantities too low to justify the cost of a full cleanroom, a cleanroom bench is the perfect solution. Unidirectional air flow benches provide advanced product protection by ensuring that the work in the bench is exposed only to HEPA-filtered air. Applications that commonly utilize laminar flow benches include:

Contact Us for Any of Your Clean Benches Needs

Clean Air Products is your trusted source for laminar flow hoods, cleanrooms, and other related equipment for clean-critical applications. Request a quote or contact us for a clean room bench that is manufactured to your exact specifications. 

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